Harirud is committed to quality, safety, integrity, and customer satisfaction.
Our management approach is based on our International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2008 registered and compliant Quality Management System (QMS) that contains specific processes and procedures for program management.
Our Quality Control Program addresses all scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, prioritizing assignments and concentrating on the highest-priority and most important issues. We ensure that initial corrective actions result in changes that are applied throughout the life of the contract for outstanding performance and consistency.
HARIRUD—Never Compromising Safety
“HARIRUD—Never Compromising Safety” is more than our environment, safety, and quality (ESQ) tagline. It is engrained into our culture, reinforced by our leadership, and reflected through our actions. Therefore, we are committed to ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of our coworkers and the communities in which we work, protecting and enhancing the environment, and providing our clients with valued and quality services.
We fulfill our commitments within a culture that strives for zero incidents, the highest quality of work and employee wellness, committing to:
- An ethical work environment that emphasizes management leadership, employee involvement, worksite analysis, and hazard prevention
- Incorporating pollution and loss prevention principles into our operations
- Ensuring that employees and subcontractors are qualified and competent
- Complying with company procedures, contract requirements, and applicable laws, standards, and regulations
- Exceeding the expectations of our clients
- Monitoring and optimizing the effectiveness of our management system
HARIRUD’s footprint extends around the globe, touching nearly every continent. As we serve our clients around the world, we and our subcontractors comply with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) dealing with foreign officials and countries.
Ethical practices are the backbone of our marketing and business development functions. Trust relationships drive our marketing successes. Therefore, we exceed compliance in every respect, not only to protect our reputation for ethical practices and to ensure our employees meet the highest ethical standards, but also to make us a role model in the industries we serve.
In all marketing and business development activities, we present our capabilities, experience, and qualifications honestly, strictly adhere to the guidelines/requirements of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, protect confidential information or intelligence, and protect trust relationships with clients, partners, and competitors.
We take pride in ensuring all procurement activities are executed with complete honesty and integrity. If we work with contractor bid, proposal, and/or source selection information, we enforce restrictions on disclosing and obtaining contractor bid or proposal information or source selection information.
HARIRUD is committed to producing high quality products and providing first-class services that meet all contractual obligations, appropriate industry standards, and our own quality and safety standards. The services we deliver protect our workers, the environment, and the people in the communities in which we work and meets or exceeds all applicable laws, regulations and industry standards.
To meet our safety and quality commitments, we implement a comprehensive Quality Control Program. The program includes proper planning, engineering design review, inspection, testing, documentation, and reporting to ensure that we are meeting our contractual and ethical obligations.
We take anti-trust and insider trading laws very seriously. We do not engage in any agreements with competitors to or customers to fix prices or any other wrongful practices.